
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tuesday night was interesting. More reasons why news online can be slow. The mix of editing and/or getting permission for images takes a while. And events are not that clear when and if they happen. At The Shed in Princesshay there was the official launch of the art exhibit but it has been announced and postponed a couple of times previously so almost nobody was there till the end. I did take some photos but not sure yet whether to use them. The idea is for a talk about art with images in the shot. The stills could be used with people or avatars from somewhere else but maybe something else will happen tomorrow. Meanwhile here is a photo of a beer glass. Lager fans who find the lager has run out at Beer At The Castle may venture towards Princesshay. I think the galleries at the castle will be closed.

Later I went to an open mic at the Tiggas Bar. Hum has left Exeter at the moment so I will have to ask him later about image rights. I think it will be ok to use his work from MySpace. Sound seems ok on the video but not sure if people want this public. I will check next week or when they turn up next. Photo of David Gedrych meanwhile, video could be later.

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