
Sunday, August 26, 2007

Back in Cullompton. I have got more of ann idea what this is about. In the printed program Dodger explains that about fifteen years ago a football team from Easton in Bristol decided to go to a summer football festival in Stuttgart. So this is an unusual event for the UK, but not UK in origin really. Teams from Belgium and Lithuania but also closer such as Totnes.

The cydertent is more or less like being at Life Bytes on Sidwell Street Exeter except that everything is Linux. The Google apps seem much the same. So Blogger is similar except for the German. The satellite links to an ISP near Frankfurt.

There may be a broadcast later on Radio Vague. The equipment seems to be here but as far as I can tell it is music that the people who work on Radio Vague best understand. Support may be needed in working out some questions about football. Still, could be worth checking later today.

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