
Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Meanwhile, a couple of links from the Community Broadband mailing

Some activity in the East, could be inspiring out West.

many connections, some from last summer

Monday, May 17, 2004

There is still an expectation that the Cathedral Green will be available as a Freespot later in May. Apparently Freespot could work in the UK as a free service. Michelmore's site has already announced that they will leave their current site before long so this Cathedral Green option won't last indefinitely unless someone else takes it on.

I have been looking at Printme, a service from EFI. It seems this has worked ok in the US but there are only a few sites in the UK. Hilton ansd Marriott hotels in central London and Heathrow / Gatwick. I shall put some links on the other site. Something may turn up in Exeter later.

Monday, May 03, 2004

Site updated at permanent style website for 'wi-fi Exeter'.

This includes photos and a PDF on how to find the Southgate Hotel from the cathedral green. Two spots where Freespot should be available soon.

Freespot seems to be based in Japan. The idea of free access paid for by venues could work in the UK if the costs were a bit lower. Not sure how many venues can consider it. The cathedral site is sponsored by Michelmores solicitors. They are moving later so this may only last the summer.