
Wednesday, January 21, 2004

wifiExeter is now almost the same in my mind as Animated Exeter ( digital fringe )

This seems the best chance to show off what broadband might mean.

However I intend to make sure any demo animation is downloaded to a hard disk. Things can go wrong and technical support is often hard to find.

The idea now is definitely to talk about possibilities next year rather than make claims about this year.

Meanwhile Joss Stone seems to be a reality in the UK album chart and there is debate about how this could come about for soul from Devon. It was a surprise to start with but through Guardian talk I am getting to slightly resent the view that this must be a one-off and that there can't possibly be a Devon soul scene. It is at least as plausible as the idea that Exeter is a centre for wifi.

Monday, January 12, 2004

The new year seems to be starting so the gaps could be shorter between postings.

Several developments

PC World near Exe Bridge has a BT hotspot and a demo laptop that seems to be working. This is a useful base to demonstrate what is possible.

Co-ops UK has joined in with an effort to promote rural broadband. Not sure what this is about but there is a conference coming up

There is a bulletin board where I have started enquiries about Mycloud pubs where wifi is actually in use

BT will offer free access later this month. I'm not sure how many people in Exeter know about this.